I can't believe it's been 6 months since my last post! #2 is getting sooo big! He loves it when I sings to him. I started singing the song from The Princess and the Frog called When We're Human and he just busts up laughing! I'm going to learn more songs for the little guy. #1 really could care less when I sing to her. E2 has such a sense of humor and he's so ticklish. I wish I could spend more time with him. He's started on solids, but is having a hard time adjusting to them. I'll give him a spoonful and he'll keep it on his tongue and sit there with his mouth open refusing to swallow. If the food slides back towards his throat he'll start gagging. It's funny and stressful.
Works are going good. I work 2 jobs, Scheduling for Pinnacle Security and cashiering for WalMart. Last semester was so stressful for Casey and I. I think Casey has to retake a few of his classes, I was working two jobs, Casey was working and going to school and dealing with a new baby. Yeah, it was stressful. So I am working two jobs while he just concentrates on school and kids. It's working well! We're also looking at moving closer to school this month! We have an apartment all ready to go and everything! It'll be a lot closer to school and one of my jobs. We're going to get the kids in the school daycare this semester. It's so stressful having to deal with babysitters and wondering if they can take the kids. I wish I could stay home with the kidlets but, alas, it's not possible. So, we're doing the next best thing, getting them in a regular daycare. :)
Espen is growing like Crazy too! She loves to run around and jabber. Sometimes she'll say things we understand but most of the time even I can't understand her. She loves to watch Wallace and Grommit with us and will sometimes run around begging us to turn it on for her. "Wallace Grommit?" "Wallace Grommit?" So cute! Her hair is starting to get thicker, she got her first haircut shortly before her birthday. Today I put it in a little tiny bun for church, she looked soo stinkin' cute!
Flash Back! Has it really been 3 years?
8 years ago