Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shopping with the "In Laws"

What's up everyone this is Casey I normally don't do this blog stuff but tonight the funniest thing happened that I just have to let everyone know. I had the pleasure of baby shopping with Gaylen and Leona tonight at target. They were forced to get out of their pajamas to go to target because we were going shopping and we have a coupon for 10% off everything on our registry for the day. I had the wonder ideal of getting the scanner gun from customer service so we can add everything we were buying the the registry so we could save a little more. The in laws showed up about 20 min and a hundred dollars into our little shopping trip. Leona had me scanning everything left and right.

Once we finished I returned the scanner to customer service and printed off the new registry. Much to my surprise my wife and her mother were not done shopping I had to go back and get the scanner once again to scan 3 baby outfits. This is were the story get to be a little funny Gaylen was in need of some new socks you guessed it folks Leona made me add grown man's socks to our baby registry so they could get 10% off on socks. Leona looked at me as I was scanning the baby outfits and said "Don't forget the socks" so I added the socks to our registry laughing the whole time.

In their defense they did help us out a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just thought you guys might enjoy this little funny story

Friday, January 16, 2009

Week in review

This past week has been eventful and yet uneventful all at once. First it started out on monday at about 6 am. I had bad heartburn and was hungry so I got up and had a bowl of fruitie tooties (ie. malt o meal fruit're cheap.) then about a half and hour later I was worshipping the porceline god. WHAT!? That never happens! Yes, I still get morning sickness but usually my tummy settles after a snack and I never lose it half an hour later! I kept thinking that was odd. So, I get a piece of bread and eat about half of that and what do you know, I lost that one to the sewer system too! That morning I had a Dr.'s appointment so I called him and asked him if he still wanted me to come in and he did, so I went to my appointment with a bucket close by and I did utilize the bucket on the way to the Dr.'s. Poor Casey, he thought he would have to pull over. Well, I threw up about 4 times in four hours. not good. Doc checks me out and YAY! I'm starting to dialate! I was a whopping 1 at the appointment. It's exciting to me 'cause I've never done this before. And Espen's head is where it's supposed to be, down, and my cervix is softening and I'm starting to dialate! Woot! This baby's getting ready to come and play!!! (To me that's the most exciting event this week.) Anyways, I've got the flu real bad and I'm at the Doc's and I had to throw up in his sink. I feel bad about that. Well, he prescribed me an anti neausea medication but, I'd take it and I couldn't keep it down. I'd drink about a half cup of water or juice and then I'd be in the bathroom. And anything that was already in me, well, let's just say, it didn't stay there either. I was quickly becoming dehydrated and I was scared for little Espie. So, the Doc said to go to the ER and when I got there, they took me right up to Labor and Delivery! Wow! My own personal little tour! I got an IV and some anti neausea medicine in the iv and even with that I had to throw up. Well, at the hospital was the last time, thank goodness. I was so scared for Espen. All these what if's were going through my head, every worst case scenerio was playing through my mind. Casey and I prayed a lot and I had my hometeachers come give me a blessing. And we made it through. Espen is just fine, I'm fully recovered and I feel great! In fact, I've felt great the last 3 days! My boss was generous enough to give me this week off. Which really REALLY sucks paycheck wise but, has been nice cause I feel a lot better. I feel bad because I took this week off, put them in a bind and knowing how things usually go for me, I'll go to work on monday and go into labor at work and put them in a bind again. lol. It's kinda funny that way, that's how things usually work out for me.

OH! Yeah, I can't rememver if I mentioned that we lost another frog a while ago. Well, it was sometime before christmas we had another anphibious escapee. Well, we never found him and wouldn't you know. He never stunk so we COULDN'T find him. Well, I found it this morning. Poor little froggie, he's very crispified. So, we are down to one froggie and we have a lid now for our fish tank AND we invested in one fish. It's a black Ghost knife. it's about 5 inches long, has a small electric shock so we know the frog won't eat this fish! lol! It's quite a pretty fish. Too bad he likes to hide, we don't get to gaze upon his beautifulness very much.,%20Black%20Ghost.htm Oh well. Here's a link to see what it looks like. Stay tuned for more updates! More on monday for sure cause I'm going in weekly now!