Whoever guesses correctly the amount of mine and E's medical bills gets a virtual pat on the back! (Amount before insurance billing.) Let's just say it was quite a hefty sum. Maybe this breakdown will help you sum up:
4 hours monitoring before delivery for mommy
Oxygen for mommy
epidural for mommy
local anesthesia for epidural
more anesthesia for C Section
several IV pokes for mommy (And vein finder)
IV fluid for several days
Emergency C Section for mommy
which includes: anesthesiologist, Doctor, many nurses
4 days stay for mommy after delivery
percocet every 6 hours for mommy
ibuprophen every 8 hours for mommy
antibiotics for 4 days for mommy
nurses checking vitals and stuff every 2-6 hours for 4 days for mommy
nurses for E after delivery
Cpap for E
Oxygen for E
9 days IV fluid for E
9 days time of nurses for E
9 days antibiotics for E
9 days formula for E
9 days diapers, wipes, blankets, etc for E
pic line for delivery of antibiotics
Should I keep going?
Let's just say it was a lot.
Flash Back! Has it really been 3 years?
7 years ago
Wow! That is a lot. Good luck with that! We want to see pictures of this little baby! :)
Crazy isn't it. Thank goodness for insurance!
Hope you have a good insurance or at least something because you are looking at a minimum of $20,000!
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