Tuesday, December 30, 2008


If Espen Love Hall pops and we discover she's really a he, we've agreed on a boy name. lol. Can you imagine the comotion in the delivery room? "What!? You're kidding right?" lol. That would be hilarious. Anyways, we've decided, JUST IN CASE.... that we'd name him Payson Christopher Hall. We're pretty darn sure it's a girl. But, it does happen occasionally. lol! I'd be sending Casey to the store to buy some boy stuff. I would not send my baby boy home from the hospital in girls clothes. lol!


Diamond in the Rough said...

It's good to have a back up plan. Keep all your pink stuff though. Espen will be sad to go home in blue..lol!!! You don't have much further to go :)!!!

Lillian said...

When Naomi was born, I took a "neutral" outfit to the hospital to bring her home in, just to be safe :) You're getting close!

ann said...

It would be a shock if Espen was a boy since she already has such an identity, but you'd figure it out! I'm excited for you!

Plaidlobster said...

Cute name! You can save it for your next baby :)