Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet Espen Love

We've been married now for what...21 weeks? that's about 5 months? Wow! Time sure flies! What has happened, you ask? We got married, honeymooned in Vegas for 4 days, came home and made our selves comfy with my parents. 5 weeks after our marriage, I noticed that things weren't running on schedule with my body. So, I took a test and it came back positive. Yep, I was pregnant! HOLY SMOKES!!! I did a double take! The chances of getting a false positive are well...umpossible. Impossible to the 10th degree. We both want kids, so we'll accept it and have fun and learn a grown!

Today we found out we have an Espen Love. Thank goodness it's an Espen. We couldn't agree on any boy names. We've tossed a few out here and there but either I liked them and he didn't or He liked em and I didn't. I never thought naming a baby would be quite a challenge. But, a name means a lot. Or, in our case, it should. Casey loves sports, right? Well, he watches ESPN all the time....and well, they had a competition...or rather a bet to see if anyone would name the kid after the sports network. Well, people did and the name Espen was born. Well, I like the sound of it so we're using it. Espen was or will be born out of love but that's not the meaning behind her middle name. Love is a family name on Casey's mothers side. Tammy's (casey's mom) Father's name is Ernest Love, so we're using for our daughter. Espen Love Hall, has a good ring to it, doesn't it? Espen has been a blessing in our lives. Even though she is small and been around only a short time, she has impacted our lives. Our love has grown immeasurably. And we've learned the sacred art of compromise!

Daily updates: We're looking for an apartment and we think we found one! It's close to the freeway, my parents, my work, Casey's work. Just an all around good location! It's a newer place and they don't all ANY smoking! Chica Magenta is allowed there too! Casey's been working hard refinishing a table that was given to us by some of my brother's relatives. It's going to look nice when it's finished! I learned how to cook Casey's favorite dish: Chicken A La King. It's very simple and delicious, if you want the recipe just ask. My mom and I are working on getting a dress finished for our friend Eliza's wedding. We've had to alter the pattern, which has been a challenge but, hopefully, it will look good when we're finished. Casey's working on putting together an internet TV show. I hope it works for him because it will be a good outlet for a lot of pent up energy. I've been working on starting my own photography business. Right now I've been doing a lot of pictures for free to just build up a portfolio. I need recent work. The good news is, I haven't lost my photography eye! I can still take good pictures! Yay! Anyways, it's late and chica's whining to go to bed. (Not really, she's just whining.) Good night yall!


Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

Congratulations :) I'm just blogwalking and I must say your entry put a smile on my face.

Stay healthy and good luck for the coming trimesters. Have a nice day!

Alyson said...

Oh my GOSH!! My friend is Pregnant?? And I didn't KNOW it?? I'm SO excited for you two!!!! Wow. I didn't even know you had a blog. I found you through Shelye's blog. Leave it to Shelye to know everyone! Email me your mailing address as soon as you know it.

Love, your B.F.F. (I still have that rock, ya know)